GENERGY S.p.A. is a company promoted by the Arezzo Industrial Association to realise investments in the field of Electric Power Production from renewable energy sources mostly.

The focus will be on the opportunity to realise investments in the territory, for its natural characteristics,  that is very suitable to the installation of this kind of systems, wind and  water plants.

Thanks to the peculiarity of the Partner’s prime business, GENERGY S.p.A. has a facilitated access all over the Italian territory as well as to foreign markets such as Egypt.

The energy deficit, the high supply costs of conventional sources and policies to encourage development of renewable energies make this sector very interesting for new investments...  continue
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La scelta di GENERGY S.p.A. è stata quella di operare come capofila di un network composto da vari soggetti in grado di garantire la qualità del prodotto e la presenza nel territorio....continue
GENERGY S.p.A. is a company promoted by the Arezzo Industrial Association to realise investments in the field of Electric Power Production from renewable energy sources mostly....continue
Il 3 marzo 2011 è stato varato dal Governo il cosidetto Decreto Romani sulle energie rinnovabili che...
E' entrato in produzione nei primi giorni di marzo l'impianto fotovoltaico di Campiglia. Con una potenza di...